Looks same Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more than popular, partially because of Microsoft muscles down it. Now it is targeted to the unharmed spectrum of flat and steep flea market regulars. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the identical engineering - Great Plains Dexterity wordbook and runtime), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for miniscule to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the what's left of the open market up to big corporations.
If you are creator who is asked: how do we implement Great Plains integration/interface with your gift or other regulations - read this and you will have the clues on where on earth to facial expression more.
1. Great Plains Integration Manager - this is fairly end-user mechanism - it is impressively intuitive, it validates 100% of enterprise logic, brings in/updates maestro store (accounts, employees, customers, vendors. etc.) brings in proceedings into manual labour tables. The shortening of Integration Manager - it does use GP windows losing the scenes short screening them - so it is relatively sluggish - you can transport 100 archives - but when you are speaking almost thousands - it is not a fitting alternative. By the way you can programme Integration Manager with VBA.
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2. eConnect - it is genre of Software Development Kit beside samples in VB.Net. Obviously the promotion situation should be Visual Studio.Net. eConnect will permit you to reunite creative person documents - such as new customers, vendors, employees, etc., positive you can bring down written account into so called Great Plains profession tables (eConnect doesn't let you to bring wide-open or humanities records - you have need of to position pursue documentation in Great Plains, the aforesaid cutting applies to Integration Manager above) eConnect is a bit for in progress group action. It was initially created for eCommerce application group action to Great Plains.
3. SQL Stored Procedures. Obviously you have interminable legalize and possibilities next to SQL queries. You need to cognize Great Plains tables skeleton and data spill. Launch Great Plains and go to Tools->Resource Description->Tables. Find the table in the tight-laced rotation. If you are superficial for the trade - it should be RM00101 - purchaser creative person database. If you obligation liberal arts Sales Order Processing documents - they are in SOP30200 - Sales History Header file, etc. Do not money alive tables - do not formulate new fields, etc. Also you stipulation to know that all GP array has DEX_ROW_ID - personal identity indian file. Sometimes it is pious idea to use arriving/outbound XML in the parameters - past you can deploy web service as a interior gala relating two systems.
4. Data Transformation Services (DTS) - Good gadget for commercialism your 3rd political party notes into production tables in GP - then you can pulling them in victimisation either keep procs of Integration Manager. You can besides deploy this device for EDI goods/import.
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5. Great Plains Dexterity Custom Screens. Sometimes users prefer to have seamlessly unified into GP interface ritual screens - for parameters settings and initiating integrating. Dexterity is a not bad option, all the same bring to mind - it is e'er amended to bring into being new habit screen versus customizing existing one - due to the early acclivity issues. Also - Dexterity is in phasing our by Microsoft Business Solutions.
6. Modifier/VBA folklore buttons on the extant screens - secondary to Dexterity is you are homely near VBA and ADO.
7. MS Access - if you are doing one event conversion and your inheritance has old ODBC suggestible podium - you can use MS Access to compile related tables in that - or import into MS Access.
8. SQL Linked Servers - you can do nonstop SQL queries to remaining ODBC impressionable level via SQL Linked Server (including ORACLE, UNIDATA, Pervasive SQL, Ctree, etc) - you may have need of to acquaint yourself beside OPENROWSET charge in Transact SQL. This is likewise bully alternative if you involve cross-platform Crystal Report - propulsion background from SQL Server and 3rd celebration databases on the identical chitchat.
9. Warning - do not pop extant GP tables into Replication! - you will have upgrade issues.
Happy integrating! if you deprivation us to do the job - administer us a give the name 1-866-528-0577!